Medieval 12th Century Crusaders Foot Knights Resin Reconquer Designs
Medieval 12th Century Crusaders Foot Knights Resin Reconquer Designs

Medieval 12th Century Crusaders Foot Knights Resin Reconquer Designs
You are purchasing 14, 3D printed selections of 1,72, 28mm, 32mm, 135th, 54mm, 75mm, 1/16 Resin 12th Century Crusader Foot knights. Models are unassembled and not painted! Created by Reconquer Designs on Patreon. Processing time 15 days or less! Produced physical by: Age of Miniatures. All figures are multipart. 3D Printed plant-based resin Miniatures. NOT Painted & glue NOT included. KEEP OUT of reach of small children.
Medieval 12th Century Crusaders Foot Knights Resin Reconquer Designs
Company S.A.
CIF: B123456789
New Burlington St, 123
CP: W1B 5NF London (United Kingdom)
Tel: 9XX 123 456